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Master's and PhD Studies in USA Supported
Graduate Degrees from U.S. Universities or Colleges
1. Acquire a bachelor degree in a desirable field of study first. Students with bachelor degrees from universities in Russia, China and European countries may apply to graduate programs in the U.S. to obtain master's degrees or PhDs.
2. If you do not plan to build your graduate career in Russia, China or Western Europe, a master’s degree from a U.S. university or college is sufficient to find a job in the U.S. industry or business.
3. If you plan to build your graduate career in Russia, China or Western Europe, a master’s degree from a U.S. university/college is not enough for postgraduate career advance. A better approach would be to get both bachelor and master’s degrees from universities in those countries before getting your master’s degree from a U.S. university/college. This will ensure quality of your knowledge (which is not necessarily ensured by a U.S. graduate degree) and provide significant advantages in job markets of the above countries. 4. Similarly, the best way to develop your PhD career is to obtain your basic education (bachelor and master’s degrees) from universities in Russia, China or Western Europe before applying to a PhD program at a U.S. university/college. Such a graduate career track ensures that you will be able to compete successfully in any job market. 5. If your goal is to become a scientist, it’s best to acquire both the basic education (bachelor and master’s degrees), and PhD from universities in Russia, China or Western Europe, before getting a PhD from a university in the U.S. Such a graduate career path ensures quality and depth of your professional knowledge and skills. You need a PhD from a U.S. university primarily for obtaining professional contacts and sources of recommendation letters, and getting hands-on experience with American ways of doing science and engineering. These latter assets will help your succeed in any job market. |
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