Graduate Career in Science, Engineering,
Technology and Education
Our graduate career development services are briefly introduced below. In every particular case a graduate career service may require tailoring to meet specific needs. To ensure most affordable and customer-tailored services, discount packages and timely service delivery, please e-mail us with a brief description of your graduate career and graduate study needs. This consultation is free.
IMPORTANT: when requesting our assistance, please provide as much of specific information as you can. This helps us reduce your order costs. We will work with you to meet all of your graduate career research needs and financial expectations. SciTechLab guarantees confidentiality of all your information and materials provided.
Additional Documents: Career Development and Employment Purposes Preparation of so-called motivation and/or research plan documents often required by prospective employers. Such documents are job-specific and have to include research strategy developments, rather than simply focus on a particular graduate scholarship or research project, master's or PhD thesis. (For research plans specific to research proposal development click "Advice and Planning" in the left or bottom menu and refer to Research Planning I and II services.) Click "More Info" below for more information. $40 a page. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service.
Career Advice: Career Development Options General advice on methods to improve your career options, such as identification of appropriate graduate programs, graduate scholarships and grants, graduate research assistantships, PhD thesis or research proposal development. Chose a duration of your consultation in 30 minute slots using the “quantity” field below and click "Add to Cart". We will confirm your order request and time arrangement for your consultation via e-mail. Please, refer to your order number in all subsequent communications. $20 for a 30 min consultation. E-mail communications preferred. Written transcripts guaranteed. Free initial e-mail consultation.
Career Advice: Job Contract Negotiation Negotiation strategies to secure better job contract conditions (before your interview and/or after you received an offer). You provide all of the relevant documents and information, including your CV or Resume, list of publications, job description, job offer documentation, abstracts of your research projects or proposals, abstracts of your master’s or PhD thesis, and so on. We will analyze your documents and situation, and suggest a preferential strategy to ensure your strong standing to negotiate better contract conditions. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service.
Career Planning: Career Enhancement and/or Career Change Science and/or engineering career planning to develop, improve or change your career. You provide all of the relevant documents and information, including your vision of a desirable career enhancement or career change, CV, Resume, or a list of biographical facts, list of publications (if any), current job description, available job offer documents (if any), abstracts of your research project or proposal (if available), master’s or PhD thesis, and so on. We will analyze your documents, career situation and potential, and suggest a preferential strategy to help achieve your career goals. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service.
Cover Letter Preparation Preparation of your application letter or any other cover letter, including those necessary (i) to introduce you to a prospective graduate scholarship and grant supervisor, employer, colleague, (ii) to submit a proposal for a research grant, fellowship, master’s or PhD thesis, a petition or other document packages. You provide an appropriate photo (if you wish it to be included), CV, Resume, or a list of relevant biographical facts and publications (if any), and other relevant information. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume Preparation Preparation of Curriculum Vitae (CV) and/or Resume documents in all existing formats, including those necessary to apply for a graduate research scholarship, or to submit sproposal for graduate scholarships and grants, master’s or PhD thesis study, etc. You provide all necessary data. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service. $100 per page. Urgent service: $150 a page. Electronic files of your documents guaranteed. E-mail commmunications preferred.
Fast Track - I Identification of suitable graduate programs in IT, science and engineering, and master’s or PhD thesis supervisors at the U.S. universities and colledges, preparation of all required documents and completion of all other steps for a successful application, admission, and assignment of a graduate scholarship or RA/TA position with a desired graduate program. For detailed description click "More Info" below.
Fast Track - II Identification of suitable graduate programs in IT, science and engineering, and master’s or PhD thesis supervisors in the U.S., preparation of all required documents and completion of all other steps for a successful application and admission to a desired graduate program (assignment of a scholarship or a RA/TA position is not guaranteed). For detailed description of this service click "More Info" below.
Graduate Program & Project Selection Service Choose a graduate program, graduate research assistantship, graduate scholarship and grant, PhD thesis project and/or supervisor best matching your education, professional interests and expectations, experience, and/or graduate career goals. You provide your CV or Resume, and other required documents. SciTechLab team may advise you on and help with obtaining professional references, if necessary. $46 an hour. Urgent service: $66 an hour. Written recommendations and detailed results of the search guaranteed.
Interview Materials Preparation I Preparation of presentations, lectures, posters, handouts, etc. for your graduate program or job interview. You provide all information and materials, including a draft of your lecture or presentation, master’s or PhD thesis (if required), CV or Resume, etc. Additional fees for supplies and the equipment use may apply. E-mail us for a free initial consultation. Basic fee: from $480 a lecture/presentation (may take 10 working hours or more). Other materials: $48 per hour. Electronic file transcripts guaranteed.
Interview Materials Preparation II Preparation of presentations, lectures, posters, flyers, handouts, etc. for your graduate program orcareer job interview. You provide only some relevant information and materials, such as a list of biographical facts, CV or Resume, an abstract of master's or PhD thesis and copies of publications (if available). Additional fees for supplies and the equipment use may apply. E-mail us for a free initial consultation before requesting this service. Basic fee: from $590 a lecture or presentation (may take 10 work hours or more). Other materials: $59 an hour.
Position Openings Matching Your Expectations PermaNature/SciTechLab team will search for, analyze and select position openings matching your education, professional experience, desired science or engineering fields and types of employment. On request, this service may include a search for postdoctoral positions and Graduate Research Assistant positions. We also help establish direct communications with possible position offerors (university professors, principal investigators, etc.) and with obtaining professional references. $54 an hour. E-mail us for a free initial consultation. Electronic transcripts guaranteed.
Preparation for Job Interviews PermaNature/SciTechLab team will analyze your professional credentials and graduate career situation to improve your chances of a desired job offer. You provide all of the relevant documents/information, including your CV or Resume, list of publications, job description, job application documents, abstracts of your research projects, master's or PhD thesis, etc., if available. $47 an hour. E-mail us for a free initial consultation. Written transcripts guaranteed. E-mail communications preferred.
Research Strategy for Graduate Career Development PermaNature/SciTechLab team will analyze your professional credentials and prepare a suitable strategic research development plan for your graduate career development. Such “Motivation” and/or “Research Plan” documents are often required by prospective employers, are position-specific and have to include research strategy foresight, rather than simply focus on your achievements. You provide your science or engineering career facts, information on the position and information on the prospective employer. Basic fee: $62 a page.
While PermaNature/SciTechLab guarantees the top quality services, we do not guarantee a financial support for your graduate degree studies, research grant proposals, master's or PhD studies, PhD thesis writing, graduate research assistantship, graduate scholarships and grants, or any other research activities, unless specifically stated in your Fast Track - I service package. Availability of such financial support depends on many factors beyond our control. These factors include quality, novelty and timeliness of your ideas and their perception by the funding agencies; your experience and ability to successfully complete your graduate studies, research proposals, master's or PhD theses; policies and the budget of a prospective agency or sponsor of your choice; Government policies concerning leading technological directions and fields for financial support; your ability to provide all necessary documentation and timely submission of your graduate scholarship and grants proposals, and so on. PermaNature/SciTechLab does not take any responsibility for and does not provide any scientific validation to customers’ scientific research or any other claims, including research ideas, research methods, research data, theories, models, research results, literature references, biographical data and other research information provided by customers.
Top left image: courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory