Graduate Career: Writing, Editing and Promotion
Our basic research and development services in Writing, Editing and Promotion category are briefly described below. Most likely, in your particular case our service may require tailoring to meet your specific needs. To ensure most affordable, customer-specific services, discount packages and timely service delivery, please e-mail us with a brief description of your research needs. This consultation is free.
IMPORTANT: you are welcome to provide as much of your order-related materials as you can: this helps us save time and effort while completing your order, and thus helps reduce your expenses. We will work with you to guarantee our services meeting all your graduate career research needs and financial expectations. SciTechLab and PermaNature guarantee confidentiality of all your information and provided materials.
Dissemination and Promotion: Lectures, Presentations, Posters, etc. Development of lectures, presentations, posters, CDs, videos, animations, photo albums, websites and other "visual" types of materials for dissemination and promotion of your graduate career research, master's or PhD thesis study, and other research projects and findings. You provide a brief outline of your goals, approaches, methods and results, and any other relevant materials. Price depends on the nature of your order. WARNING: evaluation of your draft, research methods, ideas, publications and/or your research results is not included in this service. E-mail us for a free initial consultation.
Editing a Research Document (Proposal, Thesis, Dissertation, Paper, Report. etc.) Editing your research papers, reports, master's or PhD theses, abstracts, whitepapers, research proposals, or any other materials to meet the highest standards specific to sponsoring agencies, professional journals, research programs, publishers, conferences, magazines, etc. You provide a complete draft of the document, all related materials (figures, captions, tables, etc.), and information on the document destination. $20 per page of a standard letter or A4 paper size, page count in single line spacing units with 1” margins. E-mail communications preferred. WARNING: this work does not include draft writing, idea or research capability evaluation.
Preparation of Promotional Materials SciTechLab team will prepare promotional materials and documents based on your whitepapers, research proposals and projects, master’s or PhD thesis, research papers, reports, books, abstracts, presentations, etc. to promote your science and/or engineering research achievements and advance your graduate career. You provide all relevant materials and choose a type of promotional publication (including e-publications, booklets, fliers, etc.). E-mail us for a free initial consultation. Standard letter or A4 paper size, page count in single line spacing units with 1” margins; $47.00 a page. Electronic documents guaranteed.
Research Publications Preparation of materials for and writing any science or engineering research-based manuscript for submission to rofessional journals and publishers. You provide a brief outline of your motivations, research goals, approaches, methods and results of your research, and choose a publisher or a journal for submission. PermaNature/SciTechLab team will provide evaluation of your ideas, approaches, methods, result testing, data analysis, literature search, and analysis of the results, if necessary (a draft of the research manuscript is not required). Standard letter or A4 paper size, page count in single line spacing units with 1” margins; $63.00 a page. Discounts for large orders.
Value-Added Editing of Research Proposals and Manuscripts PermaNature/SciTechLab team will work on your existing research proposal, master's or PhD thesis manuscript, graduate scholarship proposal, research report, research paper, report, book, abstract, presentation, etc. to improve its competitiveness and meet requirements of sponsoring agencies, professional journal and publishers. You provide an existing version of the proposal/manuscript, and all relevant information. Basic fee: $75.00 an A4 single-spaced page. E-mail us for a free initial consultation. Electronic files of your manuscripts guaranteed.
While PermaNature/SciTechLab guarantees the top quality services, we can not guarantee a financial support of you research grant proposals, PhD dissertation and master's degree thesis proposals, or any other research activities, because availability of such support depends on many factors beyond our control. These factors include quality, novelty and timeliness of your ideas and their perception by the funding agencies, your experience and capability to successfully complete your research proposal, policies and the budget of an agency of your choice, Government policies concerning leading technological directions and fields for financial support, your ability to provide all necessary documentation for submission and timely submission of your research proposal, etc. PermaNature/SciTechLab does not take any responsibility for and does not provide any scientific validation to customers’ scientific claims, research methods, research data, theories, research results, literature references, biographical data and other research information provided by customers.
Top left image: courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory